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University Reform and Revival

Today the university has become a problem for the whole free world. Everyone wants to improve it.
Before we start discussing this subject, we need to distinguish two things: the one that we can plan, organize, materialize, regulate, institutionally build, and the one that goes beyond this deliberate building, the idea that each person's serious intentions, Decisions are based on purpose d to planning a special scale. This distinction points to a fundamental fact: While high school-related reforms are actually to be implemented by the state and society, they must be guided by the idea of ​​super-substance in their decision-making. Reform requires material resources but no less unplanned spiritual initiative.
Reforms that are carried out by endless ideas without practically arbitrary detailing and regulation are nothing short of miraculous. It is impossible to teach an idea, it arises on the ground of self-knowledge, which has traditionally claimed to be effective in the revival process.
Anything that is impossible to execute must still be awakened. Working together gives us strength. We must not only repeat the way we have already gone, but implement the eternal idea in the present, which was effective in the past and is always directed to the future.
The prerequisite for university reform is the revival of unified thinking. It is achieved by individual scholars understanding and applying the idea of ​​the university, identifying ways of reform that will aim to maintain the integrity of the university. Today's attitude towards the university is reinforced by the realization that its idea is eternal, always existing, its truth confirmed by historical memory. It does not grow old, does not grow old, is constantly renewable, evolves again and again in a new environment and acquires a new look. That is the strength of the university idea. The modern approach to the idea generates such forms and scales of thought as are necessary to solve university-related issues. If the motives of the reform are not based on the idea of ​​the university, then such a reform would be superficial and ambiguous. For the university, thinking and thinking is only possible for the person who is carrying out his idea. If this is not the case then one considers the university only as an organization that is created with certain goals and means and serves the community, its norms. As if the goal is clear: mastering the professions that require special knowledge. The profession, in the sense of such a person, is merely a means of production as the key to goods and self-production. Such production is initiated by traditional rhetorical circulations.
Even those who are intrigued by the idea of ​​a university will also reinforce this idea through their scientific research, because it is very important how they think about their research, how they teach students, how they reflect on their work.
Such a person participates in the management of the university and is guided by goals that are not merely pursued by rationalism but aspired as spirituality to carry out the processes at the university through it.
Spirituality is the source of the revival. This is the idea of ​​a university, which is strengthened by the unity of scientists and researchers. Knowing this is not just about knowing something but giving it a reality in life (standing up for it).
One thing is certain: The great reforms of the German Qaeda University can either revive or perish, or bring about a spiritual movement, or establish outright chaos beyond the bureaucratic order. The tasks of the university will remain unfulfilled if we bring up workers whose goals are non-existent, self-denying, who serve a mass of technogenic societies limited by private interests. Limiting them to such goals would hinder their realization. Along with the university, the state and society will weaken as well.
No material means will work unless there is a common will, an attempt to seek the truth in each individual area. This will be done based on the idea of ​​the university. Therefore, university reform addresses two objectives.